The Skipper Too – The Gee Chronicles
Sep 212002

Sometimes practice must be leavened with a little theory. Last night Gee gathered the faithful and treated them to a lecture on the dos and don’ts of captaincy. Not being among the anointed I have only a fragmentary version and will be grateful to any acolytes who can fill in the gaps. Still, let’s listen in. The spec comments are in bold.

G: New table note: “want to know what this captain theory is about… come over”
G: if you want to be part of the discussion, come in obs not in spec
G: I want to explain the basics of my theory if you are interested, here is how it works
Apostle #1: G really nothing about your concept of bid captain
Apostle #1: just we joking about the phrase “who is the captain” but if u feel offended i’m sorry
G: each team starts with a captain and a crew
Apostle #2: sorry G, I was way out of line
G: the dealer and the player in 2nd seat are always the crew at the beginning of each hand
Apostle #1: i know.. this concept is the base of modern bidding theory
G: well… you guys listen, then maybe you will stop making fun of my captain theory
G: the crew may not give any order
Apostle #1: we fun about the phrase not about the theory
G: only the captain can
Apostle #1: i hope now is all clear
Apostle #3: better by e-mail
G: when the bidding starts, the crew, if makes an opening bid passes info to the captain
Apostle #3: Gee we just kidding of that that’s all
G: if the captain needs more info, he will ask questions to the crew
G: once the captain has gathered enough info, he makes a decision of where to play and how high to play
Apostle #2: but i truly apologize, G
G: just listen
Apostle #2: ok
G: if the captain does not have enoguh in his hand to ask questions, he relieves himself of the captainship by either passing, support crew’s suit, repeat his own suit, these are the 3 ways the captain gives up his captainship
G: once the captain has given up his captainship the crew may pick it up and become the captain
Apostle #3: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
G: if he does, he can then ask questions to the ex-captain and the process starts over again with a new captain
G: if the crew does not want to be the captain, he has the same options as the ex-captain has pass, repeat his suit, support the captain suit. when this happens, there is no more crew nor no captain. any bid by the team becomes a unique non commital bid and meant only to compete without any meaning to search for game
Apostle #4: the crew is planning a mutiny
Apostle #4: at least seaman lall is in the brig where he belongs
G: this is a very short explanation, but it gives a good idea of what the relationship between the players in a team is there cannot be 2 captains at the same time in a team
G: this concept is not my invention.
G: we all, experts play it
Apostle #4: i think i am getting seasick!!
G: but i just express it when noone has
Apostle #4: does anyone have any dramamine and a barfbag?
G: so people who are not experts can be more competitive at a bridge table against better players than them
G: my point is that intermediate players and advanced players stop arguing who is making a forcing bid and who is not
G: peterw was a 41% player… now he is a 50% player using this concept
Apostle #2: lol
Apostle #1: he want convince all us that he is the inventor of captain theory but chiaradia exposed it 40 years ago
Apostle #4: LOL, this is incredible
Apostle #2: he made peterw better
G: all my students, live and on line say the same thing.. it clears up totally what their right and duties as players at the table are
Apostle #4: i am looking for a plank that i can walk
G: and all improve just by using that concept
Apostle #2: sinking ship?
G: that does not always make them experts
G: there are other considerations
Apostle #5: G is the captain and peterw is Tenille
Apostle #2: lol
G: when you are the captain, you have to ask the right question at the right time
G: sometimes difficult and requires to know, using the system elements
G: you, experts in this room play it… I just put it down on paper
Apostle #4: I am going down to sick bay, maybe Bones can help me
Apostle #2: lol
G: for the non-experts to understand what is going on at expert tables
G: have questions?
Apostle #2: no, this is just a rant
Apostle #6: Gee please, what did you mean by the unique noncommital bid not having captain?
Apostle #1: if u feel offended i’m sorry. that’s all
Apostle #3: me too geeee
G: ok
Apostle #2: me too, truly sorry
G: means that once the captain has given up his captainship he may not pick it up again
Apostle #1: ok
G: if both players have given it up there is no more captain
G: if one of the players makes a bid it is a free unique bid not asking the partner to answer anything
Apostle #3: right now no more questions
G: ok any other questions?
Apostle #6: sry, I lost my connection
G: ok, I will tell you again
Apostle #6: so I did not hear the answer to my question G please
G: if the captain gives up his captainship, and the new captain gives it up as well, there is no captain in the team
Apostle #4: how many imps per knot are we losing?
Apostle #1 (to Apostle #6): you bastard
Apostle #7: i just want to know what happened to the captain
Apostle #2: lol
Apostle #4: the captain went down with the friggin ship
G: any bid is a single bid that never asks the other team member for any answer or anything
Apostle #7: i mean… it’s like he disappeared
G: this answers your question?
Apostle #4: the captain is a friggin troll
Apostle #2: sorry folks, didn’t mean to start a rant
Apostle #1: pittttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyy
Apostle #1: sayyyyy yesssssssssss
Apostle #6: thank you
Apostle #7: oh where oh where has my captain gone…
Apostle #8: is he being serious?
Apostle #7: oh where oh where can he be???
Apostle #3 (to Apostle #2): make me a favour
Apostle #2: sure
Apostle #3: ask gee who is the captain
G: buy my e-book “Bridge Is a Conversation” to get all the detail on this
Apostle #2: LOLOL
Apostle #1: i cant stop laughinggggggggggggggggggg
Apostle #9: azzzzzzzz
Apostle #3: his book OMG
Apostle #10: what did u do?
Apostle #11: no ask… if aaron is the captain??
G: thank you all for listening hope that clears a few points
Apostle #4: he will go into a frenzy
Apostle #12: everybody should immediately promise to buy the book
G: seeya

  5 Responses to “The Skipper Too”


    G: can we make a petition for the termination of aaron on OKBridge?
    spec: huh? who is aaron?
    G: a creep
    G: and I misure [sic] my words
    (9/23/02 at Marcj’s table)


    this is not fair….. you are making me pee in my pants….. new meaning to lol


    I just wanted to know who was the captain when Gee redoubled 2c against brando and me, and for this question he started all this monologue about the theory of the shipwrecked captain.


    Gerard almost has a point. But I think his explanation of captainship is way off the mark. Even more important, why does he not follow his own principles.


    I cannot find “the policy” statement. When I click on the policy I get the Main page but I fail to unearth a policy statement therein. Do I need to attend a course for enlightenment of the bewildered or do you have a simpler solution? Perhaps a study of the captain crew hypotheses would assist me.

    I find the disciples and specs comments regarding captain, crew et al, absolutely hilarious.

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