“Once in a great while I make a bidding mistake.”
Table Talk
“You’d be bored if I just bid by the book.”
“N/S never works on weekends, the field is too inconsistent.”
—explaning to his partner why OKBridge was to blame for their bad results
“It is more recently that I have had difficulties because no partner is good enough to keep me awake.”
“I am one of the most intelligent men, my IQ is 178, don’t take me for an imbecile.”
“You’re playing against real experts here, this is not a club game.”
—blaming his partner for a bad result
“I’ll bet the specs are enjoying this.”
—explaining that the hostility of the spectators was to blame for his bad results
“I lost 80 IMPs today without making a mistake.”
—explaining why his partner was to blame for many bad results
“When I make unusual bids and it works, you don’t get intimidated and you keep playing your game… the others think: if Gerard can do it, I can too… and take a fall… and drag me in their fall too.”
—praising a partner, albeit not the one he was playing with
“Small Time Club Players™ bid four hearts with that hand because they think it looks good.”
—discussing his partner’s (clearly correct) bid