Defuct* Again, Naturally – The Gee Chronicles
Sep 052002

None Vul
Dealer: West
Lead: HK

S Q J 10 5
H 10 8 4 3
D 10 8 6 4
C 7
S 6 4
H A K J 7 5 2
D 9 5 3
C Q 9
[W - E] scott-1
S 8 2
H Q 9 6
C J 10 8 5 4
S A K 9 7 3
D A 7 2
C A K 6 3 2
2 H
3 S
2 S
3 C
4 C


Gerard obviously believed that since the opponents had a “fit” in spades that he and his partner must therefore have a “fit” in clubs. Given the “texture” of his club suit, he knows this suit is worthy of another mention at the 4-level, which I confess I would not have recognized myself.

The hand will make 2H by e/w for -110, so this was not a complete zero action by G. Of course N/S also take 11 tricks in spades. Isn’t it just Gee’s luck to have a partner who offers him no help whatsoever for his bid? Defuct again, naturally.

If they were to defend 3S, however, Gee would undoubtedly lead CA, followed by CK, on which pard will discard a red card. Gee will most likely play another club hoping his partner’s suspected stiff spade can beat the 6-4 on dummy. At least I’m sure that an Expert™ will follow this thought process. Partner shows with the ten! Terrific, all this Expert™ thought is paying off.

They have now scored two clubs, and S10; three tricks to the defense and Gee still sitting with AK9xx spades, and DA. North may not lead a heart because he may not yet ‘get’ the psyche. So he’ll return a diamond to Gee’s ace. Gee may now not believe his pard could have another spade, and so let’s say he returns another diamond. All follow. What does declarer do now? Maybe a heart. Gee will ruff with the three, and probably play another diamond won by declarer in his hand. Declarer now has two tricks, the K and Q of diamonds. Two down, seven to go, I’m worn out already. Let’s say East now tries a spade. Gee will probably make the Expert™ play of the 7, to be sure that the dummy doesn’t win the 6.

Will his partner let it hold? If so, this could really get wild! Long story short, declarer is entitled to exactly two tricks in 3S, down only 7. Not being an Expert™ , however, I am not able to divine why going down in 4C is preferable to defending with this moose.

+350 loses only a few imps since most will be in non-vulnerable 4S making 450. But then, this is a far more interesting story, isn’t it?

*Our hero used this term in spec chat one night. Best guess is that he meant “defunct,” but that wouldn’t have made any sense in the context either. I remain baffled. —Ed.

  2 Responses to “Defuct* Again, Naturally”


    This is great stuff. Megalomania in bridge in believing one is a master is hilarious…life is but a pigment of your hallucinations.


    East’s ‘baby’ psyche of 2S was well-timed, considering his current opposition, and his pass of 3S was imaginative, a move that unfurled just the right amount of rope for Gee to hang himself. But what was he thinking when he passed 4C? Has he never heard of the Bones Principle?

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