“The Internet altogether is the way of the future..everything exists on here…macrocosmic and microcosmic..it is not an illusion, it is the truth of the 21st century.”
—after a couple of bong hits
“The Internet altogether is the way of the future..everything exists on here…macrocosmic and microcosmic..it is not an illusion, it is the truth of the 21st century.”
—after a couple of bong hits
“I’d be safer playing bridge with Osama.”
—discussing his partner with the specs
“Partner, when you play with me, I ask you to NOT LEAD TRUMP and NOT PLAY TRUMP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HAND…EVER.”
“90% of bidding errors are solved for those who read my book.”
“I would have found the play, had I paid more attention.”
“My affliction is partners who bid by feel instead of logic. Every game it is the same thing. The worst part is that some great players think it is me who is doing this crazy stuff and refuse to play with me after that, but if these people would read my book, they would never make this kind of bid ever again.”
“First review was that it is revolutionary.”
—asked if his book was as good as the Bergen books
“I can’t force to game, I am the dealer. I can only show you a big hand, then you decide what to do with it…responder is the only one who can make forcing bids.”
“Is it me or are my partners all weird?”
—complaining about an especially bad run of partners
“I am the only player on OKBridge that plays regularly with underdogs and weaker players and still my lehman improves every week.”