Honor Roll – The Gee Chronicles

Honor Roll


This page is dedicated to the memory of Curtis Loftis (curtisxx), a proud member of the honor roll and a valued commentator, who will be missed.

aaron You’re reading it Life without parole
Beijl1 Rude remarks in spec Life
bon Being a friend of mine 8-12 years
curtisxx Posting comments here. OK, they aren’t very flattering comments. 10-20 years
delphic Calling Gee the laughingstock of OKBridge Life
dross Being a friend of mine Life
GerryMc Remarking in Gee’s presence that one of his bids showed “an excess of testosterone” 5-10 years
Harmon Too numerous to list Life
hcesur Calling Gee a “moron” 10-15 years
justinl Behaving “irrespectfully” Suspended, after a plea for mercy
kaybeck Comments in spec that demonstrated her inability to understand “expert play” 10 years (since commuted)
kontiki Attempting to speak to Gee rationally Probation
LadyBug Allegedly telling Gee’s students to leave him (unconfirmed) Life
leah Being a friend of mine, posting comments on my site Life
martial Rude remarks in spec 20 to Life
NickGai Beats me Life
O_Bones Discovered Bones Principle Supervised probation
oconnell Too numerous to list Life without parole
pama Mentioning the Bones Principle in Gee’s earshot 5 years probation
Pikachu Long story 2 years probation
SashaA Making Gee’s hand shake, causing him to mismouse and commit inadvertent playing errors Life
scyardmn Insubordination 5 to 10 years
shevek Typing “Gerard is now a spectator” when Gerard actually was a spectator 30 to Life
Vulture Stalking Life

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